Category: Security


Securely Managing Artifacts in CI/CD Pipelines

Securely Managing Artifacts in CI/CD Pipelines

“Artifacts” are the byproducts generated via your Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines during the build process. These artifacts are compiled code (binaries) or packaged in the shape of a container image that is ready to be deployed to a server.

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Representation of CI/CD Pipeline Security with a padlock

DevSecOps & CI/CD pipelines

Are you struggling to grasp the intricacies of DevSecOps CI/CD pipelines? Seeking comprehensive insights on how to balance speed and security in your software development journey? Look no further.

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DevOps Trends: A Gologic Perspective on the Key Developments of 2023

DevOps Trends: A Gologic Perspective on the Key Developments of 2023

By Gologic with the collaboration of Alexandre Couëdelo. Gologic helps organizations on their DevOps journey through DevOps maturity assessments, training, and on-demand DevOps services … infrastructure and pipeline as code, CI/CD, automation, continuous integration, and much more! Having the opportunity to participate in and contribute to various mandates accross a

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Image representing the development cycle of an application

Top 10 DevSecOps tools

By Gologic with the collaboration of Alexandre Couëdelo. DevSecOps is a process of applying security best practices to the code and infrastructure as it goes through your development environment and deployment process/pipeline. We often talk about shift left security to describe this approach because most of the security validation is added early

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