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DevOps Trends: A Gologic Perspective on the Key Developments of 2023


By Gologic with the collaboration of Alexandre Couëdelo. Gologic helps organizations on their DevOps journey through DevOps maturity assessments, training, and on-demand DevOps services … infrastructure and pipeline as code, CI/CD, automation, continuous integration, and much more! Having the opportunity to participate in and contribute to various mandates accross a multitude of domains, our collaborators […]

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CI / CD or Integration and continuous deployment

SRE vs DevOps: What’s the Difference?


The implementation of SRE and DevOps practices can have distinct effects on an organization’s structure and culture, particularly in the realm of business. Therefore, comprehending the differences between SRE vs DevOps is crucial for embarking on the right path in software engineering. This understanding is vital to avoid errors and effectively navigate the realm of a software […]

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Putting your best foot forward in your DevOps transformation: an interview with GIRO


Interview held May 5th, 2022, with Vanessa Rousseau, organizational performance analyst, and Denis Lemarchand, DevOps transformation team lead at GIRO. By Philippe Bourget, vice-president sales & strategy, and Lise-Andrée Duperré, head of marketing at Gologic. Current context Over the past few years, GIRO has been overhauling their processes to respond to the new digital reality. […]

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CI / CD or Integration and continuous deployment

Continuous integration vs continuous delivery vs continuous deployment


By Gologic with the collaboration of Alexandre Couëdelo. Are you fuzzy about the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment? How many times did you try to explain to someone the difference between these three DevOps practices and ended up googling it to get it right? Maybe you are reading this article because […]

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